Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal which comes upon you to prove you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice in so far as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed.
-1 Peter 4:12-13 (RSVCE)
Lent is approaching soon. As Catholics, it is during Lent—a season of penitence—that we often give up things we enjoy or take on something a little extra…any little bit of suffering to help train us spiritually.
But sometimes, we don’t need to go looking for trials…sometimes trials find us. This is one of the world’s biggest issues with Catholicism: how could a loving God allow good people to go through hardship? The reason the world is so confused, though, is because that is the wrong perspective to have.
Even Jesus suffered while He was on earth. But Jesus’ suffering and death on the cross wasn’t pointless…it was the price it took to win our souls back from the power of darkness and bring us back into the kingdom of light. And because of what Jesus did on that cross, if we so choose to join our sufferings to His, every little cross Christ hands us can be the price for souls.
God doesn’t call us to pick out our crosses…He calls us to pick them up. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t give ourselves little penances, but it does mean we shouldn’t expect that to be the only suffering we ever have to face. And when unexpected and unasked for trials do arise, we should thank God for the opportunity to help Him save souls…and then offer it up.
© Isabelle Wood 2025
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