We serve within the Toledo, OH diocese and surrounding areas!
BY parents & children FOR parents & children!
Retreat includes:
1. Fun, engaging, & powerfully educational live "Dragon Slayers" presentation for all
2. Inspiring talk for parents by John R. Wood
3. Fun breakouts for all to prepare for First Reconciliation AND First Communion
4. Over $200 worth of world class materials given to EACH family
5. An informational anonymous survey given to each parent
6. A 25-week follow-up "Saints in the Making Family Challenge" for all!

Helping Families Fall in Love with the Sacraments
SanctifEYEd is a family retreat designed to help families rediscover the mission and beauty of the sacrament of Confirmation. Dr. John R. Wood, an eye doctor, uses analogies of the eye to help parents and students learn to “See the Light of Christ, and Be the light of Christ.” He also draws from his experience as a state champion runner featured in his book, “Where There is a Will There is a Way,” to inspire families to be saints!
Profits help fund your sacramental retreats!
For parishes who are hosting Dragon Slayers and/or SanctifEYEd Live retreats, Dr. John R. Wood offers one night parish missions and a variety of topics to choose from. These one night missions will inspire your parish family, and will act as a fundraiser for your sacramental retreat. Attendees will be given the opportunity to donate toward materials given to families at the retreats, and half of the proceeds for the evening will come back to your parish to help cover your retreat costs!
Topic Choices for Your Event:
Last Words: How the Crucifix is the Answer to All of Life's Questions
Eucharistic Revival: Renewing the Church by Igniting our Relationship with Jesus through the Eucharist.
The Extraordinary Mission: Keeping the Flame of Faith Alive
Entrusted: Keeping the Flame of Faith Alive in our Families
4Sight: An Eye Doctor's Prescription for Happiness, Healthiness, & Holiness
The Terror of Demons: The Virtues of St. Joseph
From Darkness to Light: How to Have a Life Changing Lent
Reconciled: The Power of Confession in Overcoming the Seven Deadly Sins